Ghostlight Blog

Sorcery Saga has been added to the menu on Steam

Thu, 31st May 2018 | Posted by Ross

Sometimes when I'm out and looking for somewhere to eat, I wander past various restaurants and check out their menus. Recently, I was especially hungry for a great Japanese roguelike, when I came across a little place called Steam and was particularly drawn to one delicious-looking curry in their Coming Soon section. 

Endorsed by the Great Curry God itself, Sorcery Saga seems particularly mouth watering, and I can't wait until it's available so you can all taste it for yourselves.

So, make sure you head to the Sorcery Saga Steam Store page  and wishlist it, so that you can get a reminder as soon as it's released. 

When it was released on PlayStation Vita, Sorcery Saga received some spicy reviews, including: 

USgamer - 4/5 "Who knew a game could make you so obsessed with a food item?" 

Pocket Gamer UK - 8/10 "This gem of a roguelike dungeon-crawler doesn't pull any punches and leaves you with an immense feeling of accomplishment if you're skilled (and lucky) enough to clear its dungeons." 

IGN - 7.5/10  "If you’re looking to expand your gaming palette, Sorcery Saga is a tasty little morsel for the Vita that offers both plenty of challenges and lots of laughs." 

With sorcery saga so close to release, make sure you head over to the Sorcery Saga Steam Store page and add it to your wish list, so that you don't miss out on that mouth watering launch discount. 

What's more, In the run up to release Senior Producer (Head Chef?) Al has cooked up a blog that will really get your stomach rumbling. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, all this talk of Sorcery Saga has made me hungry for more. I'm off to stare at the Steam Store page. 

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