Ghostlight Blog

Agarest: Generations Of War 2 Release Date and Deluxe Edition News & Update on Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked.

Thu, 2nd Aug 2012 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  We’ve got lots of things going on this week at Ghostlight.  But first up I’ve got some good news for any of you who missed out on ordering the awesome Agarest: Generations of War 2 Deluxe Editions!  We’ve managed to make a very limited number of these Deluxe Editions available once again through the Ghostlight Store.  You can pre-order your copy of this amazing package here.

In other news, I’m afraid that we’ve just heard back from the manufacturers of Agarest 2 and whilst we have received production copies of the physical game and the Deluxe Edition Caps & Bags, the rest of the Collector’s parts have regrettably been delayed until August 16th.  This is apparently due to problems that our supplier has been experiencing with the printers of the slip cases and Artbooks.  Everything has been resolved but I would again like to apologise for this delay and thank you all for your continued patience.  While it’s incredibly frustrating for us, it must be even more so for you guys who are waiting for your copies of Agarest 2 to arrive.  Please rest assured that as soon as we receive everything we will of course immediately start sending out stock to everyone who has ordered from us.   

Still on the subject of the Agarest series, you might be pleased to hear that the downloadable PSN version of Agarest: Generations of War Zero is back in submission with Sony.  If all goes to plan we’ll be revealing details of this fantastic game’s PSN release in the very near future.

Lots of you have been asking for an update on the status of our other games, in particular Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS).  Well, I can tell you that Devil Survivor Overclocked, Devil Survivor 2 and the recently announced Crash City Mayhem are all making excellent progress and we’re expecting to receive approval of the masters soon.  Once approved, I’ll be announcing release dates and opening them up for pre-order.

I’d also just like to remind our friends on the continent that our fantastic PSP title, Fate/EXTRA should be coming to the remaining European PSN Stores next Wednesday.  I’ve checked and can confirm that the game runs perfectly on Vita, so no matter if you have a Vita, a PSP Go or just prefer your games digitally you’ll be able to play this brilliant and unique game.  Of course, if you’d prefer a physical version of the game complete with an artbook, soundtrack CD and exclusive (unfolded) giant A1 poster along with a bonus Fate/The Facts book, you can order your copy here.

Finally, before I go, some of you may remember the Q&A sessions we ran about a year ago.  I’ve been considering doing another one of these in the near future, so if you’ve got any questions you’d like me to answer about Ghostlight please let me know in the comments here or on my Twitter feed.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back next week, but until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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AzureFelis says:

Great to hear that progress with Overclocked is coming along nicely!! Dying to get my hands on this one
LordRed91 says:

Any news about the DDS games yet? Every time I ask about it on Sony's Blog, they ignore me....getting kinda annoyed as it was March you guys submited them.
[GL] Ross says:

@LordRed91 Apparently there have been several issues with the game when run on the current version of the emulator. I'll try and get more details for next weeks blog as the news just came in after this was posted.
dgnfly says:

@LordRed91 capcom alrdy said it takes em 6 months 2 get avatars approved. imagine when you submit a game. @Ross did you ever hear anything about the possible store icons as avatars for psn? i asked once but was wondering if any change or is it just not possible.
[GL] Ross says:

@dgnfly Sorry for not getting back to you sooner on that one. It's not been possible with any of our current releases but I will poke my boss again to see if it is something we can do for future ones.
FisttOfNorth says:

just for SMT Devil Survivor Overclocked and SMT DS 2 i will buy 3DS XL to play that great titles in all their glory. can't wait for Overclocked and just to hear voices. i'm hoping for some collectors edition :) other titles that i want to play on 3DS are One Piece and Tales of Abyss so Ghostlight gave me more reasons to buy that magical 3DS. hoping for SMT IV one day to be released by Ghostlight.
Remy says:

Agarest: Generations of War 2 is delayed for six more days. While I do think it's a sad thing, it is nothing we can't handle! On the subject of the two Shin Megami Tensei-games on Nintendo 3DS, I can say that I am very interested in buying both of them, and I hope we'll be at least able to see the box-art for the European versions soon. I always love the box-arts Ghostlight creates! Thanks for the update this week, Ross!
Chaosprower says:

Patiently waiting for Survivor Overclocked. I hope you make a Collector's edition with lots of extras like you always do.
Darkos says:

Is it any wonder poeple import games so much when this is so the everyday that EU have to put up with wait extra time for the game to come out over here then delay after delay
Keith says:

Is there any chance of you selling Fate/Extra CCC when it comes out here?
[GL] Ross says:

@Keith It's a game we're aware of but at this point in time we have no plans for it.
KoolZoid says:

Now that I've got my 3DSXL and news of Overclocked is on the horizon, what else can we get you to bring over for us on the 3DS? :) Code of Princess, Time Travellers, Bravely Default? A Senran Kagura game, maybe? :P Or that crazy bean/dog thing? :D
Mahel says:

hope re added the release date sooon that make me so sad T<T
EnigmaticHat says:

Yeah, actually it'd be great if we got some avatars from you guys for PSN! From Lucifer's Call, DDS games especially!
LordRed91 says:

@dgnfly: Yeah, it shouldn't take anywhere near that long... @[GL]Ross: Good to hear that there's at least SOMETHING still happening with the games, just a pity that Sony doesn't seem to want to tell their customers....while I would much rather have a digital version of the game, if they don't hurry up I'm probably just gonna buy them directly from your store.
Saito says:

This is a sad day. ive been lookin foward to playin agarest next weekend however.. the fact now is. sleeping dogs is released on the 18th of august, as ive pre ordered that, im afraid i wont have time to play agarest now. bad decision :(
Sins says:

I just finished Saber, Archer and Casters routes on Fate/Extra. It was really fun. They werent kidding about Saber being easy mode. I killed the secret boss almost effortlessly with her. I must get Platinum in Agarest Zero soon!!!!!! FATE/EXTRA CCC FIRST TRAILER!!!!!!!!! It looks so coooool!!!! That purple haired servant is cute! Gilgamesh as a playble servent, I`m drooling I AM DROOLING!!! From the looks of it, the hub-world(school) has been upgraded. @KoolZoid I 2nd Senran Kagura both of them but I have to admit it is a tricky game to release here, although apparently there is a large demad for its localisation. Fate/Extra CCC doesnt come out in Japan till Febuary 2013 and frankly we don`t know too much about it, although I am curious why Shinji and Mr. "I should be King" are back. I know its a pointless question seeing as how you already answered Keith sort of but is it at all possible for Ghostlight to release CCC close to the Jap release date? I don`t want to bring it up but I need to know, with Agarest 2, with the mini-games, does your love-level with one of the girls get effected depending who you choose for a mini-game, I`m just wondering since all the mini-games involving Fiona will be cut out, would that mean it would be impossible to alter her alter her love-levels or any aspect of the game, I`m sure there is a point to the mini-games besides the sexy moaning(ahem). Lastly regarding Agarest 2, when can we expect the DLC characters to pop up in the PSstore? Also little tip EVERYONE, try to use lightning based attacks throughout your games, high chance paralsis works wonders even in the highest difficulty. Why do all the heroes in Agarest2 look all so depressed? Duran looks less emo than them. By the way are there any Rem Lorients(fairies) like Apli in agarest2, even as an NPC? Apli is awsome!!!!
Philemon says:

I'm french and I'm glad to hear those news about a release of SMT Devil Survivor Overlocked and 2! Really you did a great job! Although I'm happy with your work, do you have news or plan about releasing Persona 2 Eternal Punishment PSP? Because it's been from 17 May 2012 that we have no more news of it! Maybe the US can say that they don't really care because Eternal Punishment was already release in 2000 for PS1, but us never seen it!
None of your business says:

This is a ******* joke. Been waiting for so long for Agarest to come out and now this. This is the last time I order from you again. I would've been better off getting the US release. And you have the cheek to take the payment out straight away for a pre order. What a joke!
Sins says:

@None of your business Calm down, its not the end of the world. Frankly Ghostlight has always been honest with its customers. I would rather have my order in perfect condition, and heck Ghostlight going through the trouble of checking the condition of their products is a thumbs up for me. Granted Agarest2 has been delayed twice but for good reason. if it happens a third time then there is reason to be concerned. I cannot argue about the US release but I want to support Ghostlight. Ghostlight, I have to agree. It would be preferable to only accept the payment once the item has been dispatched. Regardless we`re waiting patiently.
LordRed91 says:

@None of your business - That's pathetic, it really is. Simply because you don't get the game when you want, you're gonna stop buying from that company and improt another version? If everyone had that poor mentality, do you think that companies would continue to release games here?? Obviously not, since everyone would be importing, too impaticent to wait. I actually prefer paying upfront for my preorders, as it means I'm not worrying if I'm actually gonna have enough money when it does come out. Grow up a bit, eh?
OoO says:

It's good news to hear that you're making progress with those devil survivor games ! I hope we'll see them released before the end of the year ! And same as Philemon, I'd be really happy if you could work on Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, the lack of news about a U.S. localisation worries me a little (If persona doesn't make it, the chances for soul hackers seem slim) ... I hope you'll be doing Soul Hackers and SMTIV as well in the future (and Etrian Odyssey would be cool too). ... yup, SMT is all I care for, so please, don't skip those titles !!! ;-) P.S. : That reCAPTCHA thing is getting crazy, I had to reload it over 10 times to get a set of deformed letters that I could recognize.
BouncyBoydy says:

Regarding Fate/Extra, has there been any word on an australian release yet? Or should i consider simply importing it?
[GL] Ross says:

Sorry about the lack of answers yesterday. I was in London for the Olympics :) @Sins There have been alterations made to ensure that Fiona's affection levels still work as intended. @BouncyBoydy Sadly due to lack of interest with retail in Australia the game has no OFLC rating. This means it cannot be released in Australia. If there is enough demand for it on here and our social media pages then I might be able to persuade my boss that it would be worthwhile to get it rated for release in Australia.
None of your damn business says:

@LordRed91, pathetic you say? Well let me tell you this. "If everyone had that poor mentality" most of us would be playing the game already. The only reason why I didn't in the first place is because I prefer Ghost Light's offers. Secondly, I'm entitled to express my opinion which ever way I see fit. Thirdly, it's a game on the PS3, why should I care. The first delay was bad enough and I didn't even know it was going to be delayed until I received that email on release date. (Would have been nice to know before hand, as I'm not going to be checking this site on a daily basis.) That's where you and I differ. I would rather place a pre order knowing that my order is secure, meaning I'm not going to miss out. Rather than waiting until I have the funds, and having the chance of missing out. But each to their own. And just to let you know, I've had a pre order placed for Tales of Graces F since January. So, I'm pretty sure I have patience.
Barry Walsh says:

@None of your business I respect your opinion and you are correct it is very frustrating but at least they let you now...Swing over to the psn site if you want to see the alternative which would make you explode with rage. I actually think that Ghostlight have a very good interaction with the customers and at least inform you of problems, Again just my opinion but delays for whatever are annoying.
LordRed91 says:

@None of your damn business - That's part of my point. Sure, you'd be playing the game already, but companies would stop releasing games outside of the US, simple because people would be importing them, too impatient to wait for an EU release. I have nothing against importing when the game is highly unlikely to get released over here (the latest Monster Hunter games, for example) but if it is coming out here, all you are doing is hurting the EU release by importing. Now, I never said you couldn't express your opinion, all I said was that your 'I can't have it now so I'm never buying from you again!' attitude is pathetic. If it was delayed for 6+ months and that happened for every game that Ghostlight released, I could understand. But it doesn't. Thirdly, going by what you said ("I would rather place a pre order knowing that my order is secure, meaning I'm not going to miss out.") then we don't differ, as that's how I prefer it too. Plus, the game has only been delayed, so you're not missing out. Finally, telling me how long you have had a game pre-ordered for means nothing. I've had games ordered that long before too, but that doesn't make me patient. All it means is that I want to guarantee that I'll get the game.
NobunagasHaircutsAmbition says:

Will there be any collector's editions or cool bonuses as soundtracks with the Devil Survivor games? I always love Ghostlight's collector's editions, so it would be really nice to have for these fantastic games :)
[GL] Ross says:

@NobunagasHaircutsAmbition We're looking into it but at the moment a final decision has not yet been made.
Sins says:

Sigh... Ross is ignoring that heated argument like a boss. Anyway, so basically the only censorship is 1) All mini-games involving child-Fiona. 2) All mini-game based CG`s involving Child-Fiona. Is that all or am I missing something Ross? So during a mini-game character selection, do u choose Child Fiona and the love-levels just get adjusted just like that immediately? I`m just curious how it`ll work exactly. I play on the hardest difficulty, the gameplay is different from the previous 2 games, do u think agarest2 is harder than its predessors?
t1redmonkey says:

Hi Ross. I'm glad to hear the DS games are still on schedule for release, was worried they might get canned! Regarding releasing CE's for them, why not just make a small limited number of them available through your website? I mean it's a franchise that has some really dedicated fans so I'm sure you wouldn't have any problem selling them.
Barry Walsh says:

Hi Ross, I was just wondering if Lucifer's call might run into trouble if its planned for psn release due to Dante featuring? I know you can't say much but at a guess would you say if it was all ok it would be this year?
[GL] Ross says:

@Sins That's pretty much it. As for the affection levels you can't select Fiona as a child at all in the minigame menus so I'm not sure how the adjustment works. It does work though as I've managed to max out her affections without any more difficulty then before the changes were made. As for how it compares to the previous games it's been a while since I've played the previous games but I thought the difficulty level was fairly similar. @Barry Walsh I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue. The original version of Dante's Inferno is of course centuries old :) However it's not really my area of expertise
Barry Walsh says:

Thanks Ross, Bit early for me so I am not sure if I phrased it right or you got it and I didn't pick on the Dante gag, I mean Dante form the Devil may cry series. I was wondering could Konami throw a potential spanner in the works, Playing Luci now but its crashing in the kalpa so I am curious and might just finish it and do the Kalpa on the ps3 another time on the second playthrough.
Barry Walsh says:

Capcom not Konami...derp
a finnish guy says:

Um... fate/extra?
[GL] Ross says:

@a finnish guy It should be on the Finnish store now. Is it not there?
A Norwegian guy says:

No Fate/Extra in the Norwegian PS Store either :) Norway wasn't even mentioned in the blog post on "Additional Territories Fate/EXTRA (PSP) – Now available in Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden"
[GL] Ross says:

@A Norwegian guy & @a finnish guy I'll chase this up for you and find out what the issue is.
A Norwegian guy says:

And now that I read that quote again, Finland was not mentioned either. I must say I should start reading properly! Thanks a lot for the help Ross!
[GL] Ross says:

I'm sorry it looks like it won't be coming to the Norwegian or Finnish PSN store. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
A Norwegian guy says:

That's sad news. I've waited for it for so long. Must be something new then, cause we got, if not all, many of your other games on the PS store. Sad news indeed!
J says:

How ironic the PS3 was supposed to be a region free console but now they practically region lock their digital content within a region. Not just Scandinavian country's but quite a few PS2 games are not available for allot of EU country's as well. This issue seems to have risen recently and has been getting worse by the week. Ross can you tell us what is causing this without violating any of Sony's NDA's?
[GL] Ross says:

@J It's due to the differing requirements for the metadata on various EU stores.
dgnfly says:

Ross isen't there a way that ps3 users and publisher can do something about it cause i'm pretty much getting sick off it. a lot off content anime wise isen't getting released everywere SCEE has a U.K only mentality.
[GL] Ross says:

From our point of view if enough people from a particular country ask for the game to be released on their PSN Store then it makes it a lot easier for me to push for us to release PSN games on that particular store.
Kurko says:

seriously? after all the ive been through to get Vita ... no Fate/Extra for Finnish PSN? ever? i... that made life a quite bit more meaningless for me... id pay double price to get it... ive never felt this bad for being born a finn. i can only beg you that you could get it work :(
Sylrissa says:

I know just how you feel Kurko, us Australians don't get Fate/Extra either, and I was looking forward to playing it so much, I can't even import since I don't own a PSP, and was going to DL it on PSN to play on my Vita, but alas, we got the short straw. I know it's not your fault Ross, it's just really disheartening to not be able to buy your game here.
Adam says:

Any news on Agarest GoW 2? I know the release was pushed back to today (16th August), but my order is still pending, and the release date in the store seems to have changed to tomorrow!

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